"Hayek's position was that by studying the evolution of human society it would be possible to find out where the existing order had made developments that had to be corrected (for example money) and in what way, and that it would be possible to foresee where it would go wrong (e.g. his critique of Lange). But he warned against the hybris of reason and the possibility of destruction of freedom by the omnipotent totalitarian state. Therefore he prefers selective intervention by the state. That is planning for competition."
"Hayek's position was that by studying the evolution of human society it would be possible to find out where the existing order had made developments that had to be corrected (for example money) and in what way, and that it would be possible to foresee where it would go wrong (e.g. his critique of Lange). But he warned against the hybris of reason and the possibility of destruction of freedom by the omnipotent totalitarian state. Therefore he prefers selective intervention by the state. That is planning for competition."