"In no other period of the history of philosophy, as far as we know, have so many commentaries on works by Aristotle been written (both per year and in total) as in the Renaissance. Even on the incomplete basis of Lohr's first version of his catalogue of Renaissance Latin Aristotle Commentaries Richard Blum has counted 6653 such commentaries for the period 1500 to 1650."
-Heinrichl Kuhn, « Aristotelianism in the Renaissance », Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005.
"In no other period of the history of philosophy, as far as we know, have so many commentaries on works by Aristotle been written (both per year and in total) as in the Renaissance. Even on the incomplete basis of Lohr's first version of his catalogue of Renaissance Latin Aristotle Commentaries Richard Blum has counted 6653 such commentaries for the period 1500 to 1650."
-Heinrichl Kuhn, « Aristotelianism in the Renaissance », Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005.