"On November 8, 1894, M. Ottavi, an Arabic-speaking diplomat with extensive experiences in Zanzibar and other Indian Ocean posts, arrived in Masqat to take up his duties as vice consul. Ottavi, like mnay of France's representatives in the Orient, was a Corsican, and proved to be an industrious, intelligent, and smooth-talking diplomat who was more than a match for the succession of uninspired agents who guided Britain's interests in Oman in the 1890's." (p.246)
-Robert Geran Landen, Oman Since 1856. Disruptive Modernization in a Traditional Arab Society, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1967, 486 pages.
"On November 8, 1894, M. Ottavi, an Arabic-speaking diplomat with extensive experiences in Zanzibar and other Indian Ocean posts, arrived in Masqat to take up his duties as vice consul. Ottavi, like mnay of France's representatives in the Orient, was a Corsican, and proved to be an industrious, intelligent, and smooth-talking diplomat who was more than a match for the succession of uninspired agents who guided Britain's interests in Oman in the 1890's." (p.246)
-Robert Geran Landen, Oman Since 1856. Disruptive Modernization in a Traditional Arab Society, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1967, 486 pages.